5 Investing mistakes Entrepreneur must avoid
Q: My friend asked me if I would be interested to invest in his business. The business looks promising but I don’t have any idea how good it really is ...

5 Foods Startup Lessons Every Entrepreneur Can be Learn from the Founder of Bibingkinita
Richard Sanz left his first job with a multinational company after two years to pursue his dream of becoming an entrepreneur. During that time, Sanz thought everyone was into coffee, ...

5 Tips to Start a Chocolate Business from Café Xocolat Founders
Starting a food business, let alone a chocolate café, can be financially challenging. Finding the right location and offering menu ideas at affordable prices can be notoriously competitive. Chocolate products ...

5 Tips From the Founder of David’s Salon to Succeed in the Hairstyling Business
David Charlton comes from a family of hairdressers in Sunderland, England. His grandfather used to work as a barber while his mother and uncle were hairdressers. As a child, he ...

5 Takeaways from Global Entrepreneurship Week to Help you Succeed in Business
Every year, during the second week of November, over 170 countries around the world celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). The event aims to inspire people from all walks of life ...

How Much Should I Spend for Marketing?
Question: I am planning to franchise my pancake business next year. I know I need to ramp up marketing before I push through with the plan. How do I determine ...

Making The Annual Business Budget
In this edition of Ask the Expert, financial guru Henry Ong gives us a list of things to consider in making an annual business budget. What are the main factors ...

Don’t Think of Depreciation As A Negative Thing
In business, when you pay for something that you use to generate sales, you treat the item as an expense. Buying office supplies, printing marketing brochures, or paying for newspaper ...

Choosing the Right Accounting System
An accounting system consists of the methods and records that identify your transactions and provides a basis for accounting for your assets. It is vital to managing your business. In ...

Is the Price Right?
Since it determines the level of profit that you can earn, pricing is an important element in your business strategy. Your pricing strategies can affect not only the volume of ...